Tuesday 7 October 2014

Preliminary Task

  • 1.  Our scene had two people playing cards opposite one another at a table. We showed match on action when Hashims's character opened the door to enter the scene. We had him walk towards the door in a POV shot of him opening the door then switching to a wide shot from inside the room of the door swinging open. We also demonstrate at the point where Clayton's character draws a new card, cutting from a two shot of the players to an over the shoulder shot of the card in Clayton's hand. Moreover we used shot reverse shot for the card game itself. In the edit, we cut from an over the shoulder shot of Clayton's cards to the reverse shot of Hashim's cards.

  • 2.  I was pleased with the shots we used I thought they appeared to flow seamlessly, especially the shot where Hashim's character used the POV situation with the door. 

  • 3. The mistakes we made or what we could have picked up on is the use of continuity editing in certain parts of the video. For instance the last shot where Hashim swipes the cards of the table the shot before it had no connection or meaning in the building up of that situation. Also we should have used the tripod in some of the close up shots of Hashim and Clayton's faces as we used our hands and the shot was shaky.

  • 4.  Hashim and Clayton had the roles of the two characters playing cards in the film. Me and Sakeriye took care of the camera shots and directing of the film.

  • 5. We had problems with background noises, in some shots their are people in the background talking. We encountered some problems with the space we had to shoot the video but we still managed to adapt to the situation and hence go forward with the filming.

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