Tuesday 25 November 2014

Audience Profile

Crime Drama Target Audience

-Crime drama target audience are usually aimed at both females and males
-The males interest the females as males stereotypically are involved in the crime and the female actresses attract the males as they find  the females attractive therefore stereotypically they would watch the film.
-The certificate is usually 15 therefore that is that is where the target audience age range begins from. Both females and males find crime dramas interesting as well aged around the age 40.

The audience should be both female and male. The females could be attracted due to male characters and the mnales could be attracted by the content(action).

Age Range

For this film I decided to have 15-30 year olds as the target audience as this range is quite wide however I have took into consideration the target audience for Thriller and Crime films.
Stereotypically people who like crime films, also like thrillers.

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